ICMR Appeal: Don’t Consume Or Spit Tobacco Products In Public Places

New Delhi: The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has appealed to the people not to consume and spit smokeless tobacco in public places.

According to the country’s leading health research body, chewing smokeless tobacco products (gutka, pan masala with tobacco, pan and other chewing tobacco products) and areca nut (supari) increases the production of saliva, followed by a strong urge to spit.

“Spitting in public places may could enhance the spread of the COVID-19 virus,” the ICMR said. “In view of the increasing danger of COVID-19 pandemic, it is an appeal to the general public to refrain from consuming the smokeless tobacco products and spitting in public places during the COVID epidemic,” PTI quoted ICMR as saying.

There are 3030 active cases in India currently, while 77 people have  succumbed to the pandemic which is sweeping across the world.

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