Mumbai: Union Home Minister Amit Shah convened a meeting late at night on Thursday with leaders from the BJP-led ‘Mahayuti’ alliance to discuss the power sharing arrangement in Maharashtra as they gear up to establish their government. The crucial talks took place for two hours at Shah’s residence in Delhi and focused on how to divide the cabinet roles among the three allies—the BJP, Shiv Sena (led by Chief Minister Eknath Shinde), and Ajit Pawars Nationalist Congress Party (NCP).
The alliance’s resounding win of 230 seats in the 288-member Maharashtra Assembly ensures the BJP will continue to hold the minister’s position, with former CM Devendra Fadvanis emerging as a contender for the role amidst growing speculation. Insiders suggest that Shah has approved the appointment of two ministers. One each from Shiv Sena and NCP. Indicating a clear path for their ascension to these key positions.
As per sources, with the matter, the distribution of ministries will be determined by the count of assembly seats secured by each party in the Mahayuti coalition, with the BJP anticipated to receive the majority share owing to its impressive showing. The 43-member cabinet is poised to have the BJP occupy 22 roles, including the position of Chief Minister. In contrast, Shiv Sena is likely to obtain 12 positions, while NCP is expected to secure 9.
Reports suggest that in the event Fadnavis is to be appointed as the Chief Minister, he is likely to oversee the Home Department while the Finance Ministry may be allocated to the NCP party. Furthermore, Shiv Senay is expected to take responsibility for the Urban Development Department (UDD) as the Public Works Department (PWD).
Shiv Sen is said to have asked for a seat in the Union Cabinet alongside the NCP as part of their mutual understanding agreement. The NCP is pushing for a spot in the Union Cabinet for Praful Patel, and Shiv Sen has also put forward their claim for a position in the Modi government’s cabinet.
Exciting Future Plans
The BJP is expected to reveal its selection for the chief minister of Maharashtra at a gathering of its lawmakers in Mumbai on Saturday. This determination will influence the direction of the state. Signify a new phase in the continuing partnership among the three coalition allies.
People with insider knowledge suggest that the Mahayuti government is being formed with an approach to handle expectations effectively for operation. The late-night gathering led by Shah highlights the coalition’s commitment to fostering solidarity while setting a direction for governing the state.
What Awaits Us in the Future?
The completion of the cabinet assignments is anticipated to lead to the establishment of a government in Maharashtra in the weeks. As the coalition partners engage in talks, the allocation will highlight the position of the BJP while also considering the concerns of its allies. Shiv Sen and NCP. To uphold unity within the alliance.
The focus is now shifting to Mumbai as the BJP prepares to finalize its leadership choice this weekend amidst the crucial alliance dynamics for maintaining their dominance in India’s most populated state.
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