Shravasti: The police in Amravati district have discovered a counterfeit currency operation that is allegedly going on at a madras. The operation was spotted after the fake notes circulated in the local markets, causing the authorities to react. Mubarak Ali, also called Yuri, a manager of the Failure Nazi madras in Gangster, is the mastermind of the scheme.
It has been reported that he discovered the techniques for printing fake currency through videos on YouTube. Along with him, it was said that five of his wives were also involved in the operation by distributing the counterfeit notes.
On Wednesday, during an inquiry into the complaints about the fake currency in the Manipur area, police arrested Mubarak Ali and two of his accomplices—Dharmaraj Sheila and Ramsay. The trio was seized with counterfeit currency, firearms, and ammunition.
During their questioning, police traced the operation to the Failure Nazi madras. A search of the madras resulted in the finding of one printer, two laptops, and four bottles of ink, and the seizure of a total of ₹14,500 in fake notes, ₹14,500 in real notes, a .315 bore firearm, as well as five mobile phones.SP Grantham Laurasia, who confirmed that Mubarak Ali was apprehended at the scene, disclosed that Ali’s five wives lived apart but that they had worked together in endorsing fake notes.
Notably, also a person who was caught in the madras area named Jam eel Ahmed. Chaurasia also mentioned that the investigation is not closed and that some more names could turn up as part of this currency scheme.
Authorities are currently questioning the arrested individuals to gather further information about their operations. The incident is a clear pointer concerning the counterfeit currency operations in rural areas and also doubts about the control of educational institutions like madrases.
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