New Delhi: Superstar Amitabh Bachchan broke the Sunday appearance ritual for his fans on his 81st birthday. He gave them a special treat as they thronged outside his house on the eve of his birthday on Tuesday night. The superstar made a special appearance outside Jalsa in the middle of the week only to greet his fans. The videos have gone viral on social media. In the video, Amitabh Bachchan can be seen sporting a colourful hoodie with a matching bandana. Standing on a pedestal, he can be seen greeting his fans with folded hands, waving and smiling at them. As soon as he comes outside his house, fans welcome him with loud shoutouts.
In the background, one we can see Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, granddaughters Navya Naveli and Aaradhya taking pictures of the moments. A fan account shared the video on X and wrote in the caption, “You can see Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Navya and Aaradhya in the background proudly taking videos and video calling as Sr Bachchan greets his numerous fans outside on his birthday eve. Happy birthday again sir, may there be many, many more to come!” Abhishek Bachchan, MIA from the event, commented below the video and wrote, “Yup, wifey showing me what’s going on” and dropped a wink emoji.
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