Upcoming Biopic: The Inspiring Journey Of Narayan Murty

Bengaluru: The life story of Infosys founder Narayan Murty and his wife Sudha Murty will soon be made a celluloid. This ambitious project is being developed by writer-director-producer duo Ashwini Iyer Tiwari and Nitesh Tiwari, both award-winning names in their fields. The film will be shot in Hindi, Tamil and Narayan Murty’s mother tongue, Kannada.

Narayan Murty has shown great enthusiasm for his biopic and has motivated the filmmakers to begin work as soon as possible. Though Narayan Murty is recognised for his IT involvement, Sudha Murty is recognised as more of social worker and author. He has also done several Kannada films including Prarthane, Preethi Illada Mele, and Uppu Huli Khara.

Ashwini Iyer Tiwari and Nitesh Tiwari are carefully collating everything they can find on the Murty family to create a riveting narrative for the film. The film is currently referred to as ‘Murty’ but the title of the film is not yet decided. The cast will be revealed after the script is written.

Ashwini Iyer Tiwari in an interview with News18 Showsha, talks about the making of the film. The script is currently being written, it’s a slow process, but I’m looking forward to bringing their story to the big screen,’ she said. Ashwini replied and said that their intention is not just to deliver a box-office hit but to deliver a heartfelt film.

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