Twin City Top Cop Spells Out Reform Vision For 2020

Bhubaneswar: Spelling out the proposed reforms for policing in the Twin City of Bhubaneswar and Cuttack in 2020, Commissioner of Police (CP) Sudhanshu Sarangi said easing out traffic woes and fighting organised crime among others would be his top priorities.

“Our focus in 2020 will be to ease out traffic problems, take strict action against organised crime and habitual offenders, create a good electronic surveillance system in coordination with Smart City authorities for speedy detection of crime and strengthen the emergency response system,” Sarangi told a local news channel.

“At present, we have 57 PCR vans which will be increased to 107 in the coming year,” he added.

The CP further said efforts would be made to change people’s outlook towards the men in uniform. “I would like to change our slogan ‘We Care We dare’ to Apanaka Police Apananka Surakhya (your police your safety). People should realise that the policemen are meant for their safety,” he said.

“We have to make efforts to create that mindset among people for which the three characteristics of sensitivity, compassion and professionalism are required. We have to bring psychological and behavioural changes among the police personnel to inculcate those feelings,” he averred.

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