Tracks Tremble as Sabarmati Express Derails: Narrow Escape for Passengers

New Delhi: A major accident was averted in the early hours of today as the Sabarmati Express, travelling from Varanasi to Ahmedabad, derailed around 3 am, causing panic among the 1,640 passengers on board. The train’s engine and several coaches went off the tracks, but fortunately, the carriages did not overturn, coming to a halt shortly after the derailment. This timely stop prevented any fatalities, although minor injuries and widespread distress were reported among passengers.

Eyewitnesses described a chaotic scene as the train suddenly slowed down and derailed. Manoj, a passenger seated near a window, suffered minor injuries. He recounted, “I was on my phone while most others were asleep. The train suddenly decelerated, and I saw the carriages veer off the tracks.” Another passenger, Ramji Verma, shared how he was jolted awake by a sudden shock: “There was a loud thudding noise, and then the train abruptly stopped. It was dark outside, and we couldn’t figure out where we were until we realised the train had derailed.”

The derailment led to panic among passengers, with many rushing to exit the carriages in the dark. However, the situation was soon brought under control as the train’s pilot reassured passengers, urging them to stay calm and help one another.

Residents near the site of the derailment were also startled by the incident. Local resident Ramkhelawan described hearing a “terrifying noise” before rushing outside to find the train had derailed.

Railway officials have since arrived at the scene and are investigating the cause of the derailment. They have been speaking to passengers to gather information on what they experienced during the incident. Preliminary inquiries suggest that swift braking may have prevented a more serious disaster, although the exact cause remains under investigation.

While the incident left many passengers shaken, the absence of major injuries or fatalities was a relief. The railway department has assured that all necessary measures are being taken to avoid such incidents in the future. The focus now is on restoring normalcy and understanding the root cause of this alarming derailment.

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