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Bali Jatra

Memories Hazy And Vivid

Eighty-two years old now and his memory of the first visit to Bali Jatra is a bit hazy. "It was around 1957," says Ramaballav Mishra, now a resident of Bhubaneswar. "Yes, it was a big fair even then. The crowd was mostly rural and it was…

Dry Fish Special

What makes a fair special? It has to be the fascinating mix of smells, sounds and sights. It was true half a century ago; it holds true now  "The first thing that hit you when you approached Killa Padia from Chandi Madira during Bali Jatra…

Old Habits Die Hard

Food is what attracted many to Bali Jatra. The range of eatables was wide. "Dahibara and aloo dum sold the most. Thunkapuri was in great demand too. No trip was complete without a taste of both. Regional delicacies from across the state…

Bali Jatra With A Tinge Of Nostalgia

"Nothing would stop our trips to the Jatra. A bunch of youngsters would set off on cycles from our hostel in Ravenshaw college in the evening and move inside the Jatra venue doing nothing in particular. The buzz of the place was addictive.…

Love in Tokyo Headbands

The mention of Bali Jatra stirs fond memories in Geeta Satpathy, 59. She was around seven when she first visited the jatra and she still remembers the excitement at the sight and sounds of the venue as a little girl. "We hopped from shop to…

Puri In Egyptian Mythology

Egyptian mythology offers strong hints of maritime links with ancient Odisha. The land it mentions as Put or Punt was most probably Puri, according to a research work. The holy triad of Lord Jagannath, Devi Subhadra and Lord Balabhadra had…

In Odisha’s West, A Different Bali Jatra

In Sonepur, the land of Shakti worship, Bali Jatra assumes a different meaning altogether. According to tradition, the festival began during Raja Madan Gopal Singhdeo, the first Chauhan king of Sonepur, who ruled the mid 17th century. Bali …

The Cultural Connection

Wayang kulit, the shadow-puppetry show, popular in South-East nations has similarities to the nearly extinct puppetry in Odisha and Andhra Pradesh. Kaundinya’s marriage is the major theme in the plays in those countries as are episodes from…