PK to Launch ‘Jan Suraaj Party’ on October 2, Introduces Wife Jahnavi Das in Patna

Patna: Election strategist-turned-politician Prashant Kishor is set to launch his new political party, Jan Suraaj Party, on October 2, marking a significant step in his journey from a strategist to a full-fledged politician. This announcement comes after nearly two years of groundwork across Bihar, during which Kishor has been engaging with the public through various campaigns.

At a women’s conference held in Patna on Sunday, Kishor, for the first time, introduced his wife, Dr. Jahnavi Das, to the public. Addressing the gathering, Kishor expressed his deep gratitude towards his wife, acknowledging her role as the backbone of his political endeavours. “Leaving her medical practice, she has taken on the responsibility of our family, allowing me to focus entirely on my work in Bihar,” he said.

Kishor highlighted the vital support system that women provide to men in public life, drawing parallels between his own experience and the sacrifices made by countless women across the country. “The reason your brother is able to do what he does is because someone like Jahnavi has taken on the responsibility at home,” he remarked, emphasising the often unseen contributions of women to public life.

Dr. Jahnavi Das, a native of Guwahati, Assam, and a practising doctor, met Kishor while both were involved in a UN health programme. Their friendship blossomed into love, leading to marriage, and the couple now have a son together. When asked about her thoughts on Kishor’s political ambitions, Dr. Das expressed unwavering support: “I fully stand by him in this new movement.”

Prashant Kishor’s Jan Suraaj Party aims to contest all 243 seats in the upcoming Bihar Assembly elections in 2025. Notably, Kishor has committed to fielding at least 40 women candidates, reflecting his focus on gender inclusivity and empowerment.

As the launch date approaches, all eyes are on Kishor and his new party, with many anticipating how his strategies, which have shaped numerous successful campaigns in the past, will translate into his own political journey.

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