Odisha Steps Up Early Measures For Cyclone Bulbul

Bhubaneswar: With the very cyclonic storm Bulbul likely to cross West Bengal and Bangladesh coasts between Sagar Islands (West Bengal) and Khepupara (Bangladesh), across Sundarban delta by November 9 midnight, the Odisha government has taken the following measures.

—The district collectors of Ganjam, Puri, Jagatsinghpur, Kendrapara, Bhadrak, Balasore, Khurda, Cuttack, Jajpur and Mayurbhanj have been asked to identify the people living in low-lying areas and shift them to cyclone shelters.
—The collectors have been asked to make adequate provision for food and drinking water and ensure proper lighting and sanitation at these shelters.
—Two ODRAF teams in each of the 10 districts and one NDRF team each in the Puri, Jagatsinghpur Kendrapara, Jajpur, Bhadrak and Balasore districts have been deployed.
—Besides, Fire Services personnel have been deployed in these 10 districts while two additional Fire Services teams from other districts have been deployed in six seaside districts. Besides, 60 Fire Services personnel are kept in readiness with vehicles and equipment in Bhubaneswar for deployment to provide emergency service.
—The authorities of the Energy Department and the power distribution companies CESU and NESCO have been instructed to keep the workforce ready to take up quick repair and restoration of transmission lines.
—To ensure uninterrupted supply of power in the hospitals, major departments and institutions, the collectors and the Health Department have been asked to keep the generators in order with adequate stock of diesel and petrol.
—In the event of disruption in road communication due to the falling of big trees, the departments concerned have been asked to take immediate step to remove the blockade with the help of the ODRAF, NDRF and Fire Services personnel.
—Following instructions from the district collectors, 19653 fishing trawlers and boats have returned to the coast.
—To keep the crops safe, the department of Agriculture and Farmers’ Empowerment, through the media and the loudspeakers, has advised the farmers to take necessary measures.
—All schools and anganwadi centres in 10 coastal districts have been closed for two days on November 8 and 9.
—The district emergency operation centres (EOCs) are functioning round-the-clock.
—The people have been advised to stay indoors and not to move along the beach.

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