Odisha Govt Alerts Collectors For Possible Flood

Bhubaneswar: Acting on Met’s heavy to very heavy rainfall forecast for Odisha for two days, the state government on Monday asked the district collectors to remain on high alert to tackle a possible flood situation.

The State Emergency Operations Centre (SEOC) of the Revenue and Disaster Management department has issued a list of advisory to the district collectors which are as follows:

— The collectors are requested to keep the administrative machinery prepared to meet any possible situation that may arise in the event of intense rainfall.

—Areas vulnerable flood/waterlogging may be identified in advance and field officials should remain prepared to evacuate people from vulnerable locations to safe shelters if required.

—Advance arrangements may be made for providing adequate food, safe drinking water, lighting and health and sanitation facilities at all shelters/relief camps and to provide emergent food assistance to the affected people.

—Fire service teams may remain prepared to carry out search and rescue operation.

— The requirement of ODRAF team, if any, may be intimated.

—Officials of concerned departments must also remain prepared for taking up Immediate restoration works if required.

—Make necessary arrangement to restrict the people/vehicles from using the roads/ bridges under submergence.

—Other districts are advised closely watch the situation and take appropriate steps, as may be necessary.

—The EOC (Emergency Operations Centre) in all the districts should operate round the clock and update the situation to SEOC from time to time.

—Warning for fishermen to be implemented strictly.

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