National Book Trust To Launch Book Series On Coronavirus

New Delhi: Realising the extraordinary psychological, social, economic and cultural significance of coronavirus pandemic for the human society in the times to come, the National Book Trust (NBT), India, is working on a series ‘Corona Studies Series’ by documenting relevant reading materials for all age-groups for the post-corona readership needs.

The books will focus on art, literature, folklore, economic and sociological aspects as well as science and health awareness emerging out of the coronavirus pandemic and the lockdown imposed by the government, a NBT press release said.

NBT is the national body for book publishing and book promotion under the Ministry of Human Resource Development,

“The Corona Studies Series seeks to be our long-term contribution to prepare and engage readers with the various aspects of ‘corona times’ by bringing out affordable books in various Indian languages in the identified subject areas. It will also provide suitable platform to authors and researchers willing to contribute in this genre,” NBT India chairman Govind Prasad Sharma said.

Director of the Trust, Yuvraj Malik informed about #StayHomeIndiaWithBooks initiative launched last week, where some select and best-selling titles are available for free downloads.

The NBT has also set up a study group comprising of some experienced and psychologists and counsellors to prepare books on the sub-series on ‘Psycho-Social Impact of Corona Pandemic and the Ways to Cope’. “We hope to bring out both e-editions and printed editions of these books soon enough as support materials for the readers,” he added.

Senior editor, NBT, Kumar Vikram said various areas for preparing suitable reading materials under the ‘Corona Studies Series have been identified.

Besides, the sub-series on the psycho-social impact (of the virus) on various segments of population, children”s books are being prepared to let them know about the ‘Corona Warriors’, and other story and picture books related to various aspects of the disease to create awareness, he said.

“Books focused on art, literature, folklore, economic and sociological aspects, science and health awareness emerging out of the coronavirus pandemic, and the lockdown, are also in the pipeline,” said he added.


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