‘Mo Puri Swaccha Puri’ Campaign Observed With Pledge To Keep City Clean

Puri: Citizens from various walks of life in Puri and leaders on Sunday took a pledge to keep the city clean,  visited annually by lakhs of pilgrims.

A ‘Swaccha Puri’ song was released on the occasion and branded cloth bags were unveiled for distribution across the city.

The event was organised by the Puri district administration, titled ‘Sankalp Sabha for Mo Puri – Swaccha Puri’.

The objective of the mission is to interact with the citizens about cleanliness and invite their participation in keeping their surroundings clean.

“We all have to take Puri to the next level and make it a Swachha Puri. Citizens can join hands and convert it to the cleanest city in India. We should use biodegradable materials. A single person cannot make the city clean,” Puri MP Pinaki Mishra said.

Former Minister Maheswar Mohanty said the progress of the city is not possible without cleanliness. “We should be responsible enough to keep our city clean that Puri becomes World Heritage City, the dream of our CM,” he said.

The programme was informed that Puri Municipality has engaged 40 such vehicles in the city for garbage collection. These vehicles will deposit the segregate waste at micro composting centres where wet waste is converted into compost and dry waste.

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