Miscreants Vandalise 11 Trucks, Loot Rs 5 Lakh From Drivers In Cuttack

Cuttack: In a midnight-mayhem, miscreants vandalized 11 trucks and looted over Rs 5 lakh from drivers near Nimeisapur village under Tangi police limits on Saturday.

According to sources, the trucks were parked near Nimeisapur petrol pump. A group of robbers reached the spot around 2.30 am and threatened the drivers with sharp weapons. They went on a rampage breaking windscreen and windows of the trucks when the drivers refused to hand over cash to them.

The drivers finally gave in after two among them were injured after being hit by the broken window glasses and handed them over the cash, following which the miscreants fled the spot.

The owners of the trucks have lodged complaints in this regard at the Tangi Police Station.

The attack is being attributed to a dispute between the villagers and the truck drivers over parking for past few months, the sources added.

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