Lady Cop Feeds Needy Kids Like A Mother In Keonjhar

Keonjhar: Shattering the general image of police being strict and cruel, a woman officer in Keonjhar district fed four needy children like a mother.

The IIC of Keonjhar Sadar police station, Smrutiprava Pradhan, received information that four children at Kusumita near Baradapala were hungry for a few days. She immediately went to the village with food and fed the children with her own hand.

Sources said the children’s father, Sridhara Munda, worked as a migrant labourer in Surat. Their mother had eloped with someone last month.

In the absence of their parents, the children’s grandfather took care of them. However, the grandfather was a poor goatherd and could not provide food to the children everyday.

It was then that the woman IIC came like an angel to the hungry kids.

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