It’s Now Mandatory For Central Govt Employees To Download Aarogya Setu App

Officers Have To Review Their Status At Home And Report For Work Only If App Reflects 'Safe' Or 'Low Risk'

New Delhi: The Union government, even Prime Minister Narendra Modi, had been urging citizens to use the Aarogya Setu app for quite some time. On Wednesday, the Centre made it mandatory for all its employees to download Aarogya Setu on their mobile phones as part of their fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

As per the directive issued by the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, those working in the Central government, both officers and outsourced staff, will have to review their status on the app before leaving home for office and only when if it reflects “safe” or “low risk” status can they report for work.

Those working in the Central government, including officers and outsourced staff, will have to review their status on the app before they start for office. They can come report to work only when if it reflects ‘safe’ or ‘low risk’ status.

Officials who are categorised as ‘high risk’ or ‘moderate’, based on recent contact with infected persons, have to isolate themselves for 14 days. The app has to show ‘safe’ status before the official can go back to work.

“The ministries, departments may issue similar directions to all autonomous, statutory bodies, PSUs,” the directive stated.

The Aarogya Setu app, developed to track people who come in close contact with coronavirus positive cases, is owned by the government and supported by the National Informatics Centre (NIC).

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