Home Ministry Seeks 3 More Months To Frame Rules For Citizenship Act

New Delhi: The Union Home Ministry has sought three more months to frame the rules of the newly passed Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA).

According to sources, the Ministry sought the time at a meeting with a Standing Committee of the department recently. But, the committee’s response is yet to be disclosed.

The Parliament passed the amendment to the Citizenship Act, 1955, in December, 2019 and the Central government notified it in January 2020.

As per the amendment, India will grant citizenship to Hindus, Sikhs, Parsis, Christians, Jains and Buddhists from Muslim-majority Bangladesh, Pakistan and Afghanistan who came to India before December, 2014 on the grounds of religious persecution.

According to Parliamentary norms, the rules for the legislation should be framed within six months of the date of the President’s approval or the standing committee on subordinate legislation should be approached for extension of time.

The government has said the non-Muslim refugees from these countries will have to provide proofs of their religious beliefs while applying for citizenship till the rules are framed.

Besides, the applicants belonging to the above communities will have to furnish document to prove that they entered India on or before December 31, 2014.


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