Guna, MP: One of the saddest accidents that took place was in Guna, Madhya Pradesh, where a ten-year-old boy met his death through falling into an uncovered bore well. The rescue mission took about 16 hours and was in vain when the kid was pulled out alive but succumbed to death on arrival of the doctor.
The boy, Sumit Meena, fell into the borewell at about 5 PM on Saturday, 28 December 2013, while at play in Pipliya. He went missing, and his family started to look for him; they then realised his head was sticking out of the borewell. Local authorities were informed, and the rescue effort was initiated at about 4 AM Sunday morning.
Speaking to the media, the Chief Medical Health Officer (CMHO) of Guna, Dr. Rajkumar Rishishwar, firmly stated that the child succumbed to death and opined that possibly hypothermia could have set in, attributable to the current cold climate and the small size of the borewell. The boy was found about 39 feet underneath a borewell that is estimated to be around 140 feet deep. Thank God, there was no water in the borewell when the unfortunate event occurred.
The rescue squad went nonstop throughout the night to dig another trench right to Sumit. The NDRF team from Bhopal reached the spot to help in the operation. Despite their best efforts, Sumit was declared dead shortly after being pulled from the borewell around 9:30 AM on Sunday.
This has brought the issue of the dangers that are associated with the open borewells in the rural areas and has led to commentary on how such occurrences can be prevented in the future.
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