Govt Mulls Letting Malls, Cinema Halls, Retail Shops Open At Night In Green Zones

New Delhi: With a view to restart different businesses in stages, the Central government has started discussions to allow malls, cinema halls and local retail stores to open at night in Green zones.

According to a report, the government feels crucial restrictions like social-distancing norms can be followed in such cases if the number of people is restricted. For example, malls won’t let in more than a fixed number of customers, while cinema halls/multiplexes will sell tickets for a limited percentage of the capacity.

A final call will only be taken after the Health ministry gives the go-ahead.

Some states like Madhya Pradesh has already adopted flexible timings for business and allowed notified retail stores to be open between 6 pm and midnight.

India went into a nationwide lockdown from March 25 to curb the spread of the coronavirus pandemic.

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