COVID-19: Get Counsellors, Community Leaders Of All Faiths To Give Strength To People: SC Tells Govt

New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Tuesday pointed out that the government’s affidavit about the steps being taken to ameliorate the situation arising due to coronavirus has nothing on the aspect of counselling the people, including the migrant workers who are lodged in shelter homes and other temporary accommodations.

“We want to impress upon you that the panic will destroy more lives than the virus. You need counsellors. You can have bhajan-kirtan, namaz or whatever but you have to give strength to the people… get community leaders belonging to all faiths,” Chief Justice SA Bobde told Solicitor General Tushar Mehta in a video conference.

Mehta in turn replied that he is willing to make a statement that the government will engage counsellors and will also mobilise religious leaders, maulvis, sadhus to counsel the migrants in the shelters and help them to stay calm.

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