Gorakhpur: In an eye-opening episode that has sparked debates about the effects of social media on mental well-being, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh witnessed an 18-year-old girl who submitted a false suicide video to Instagram in order to increase the number of likes she got. The alarming post was the cause of Meta sending an alert to the local police of the state of Uttar Pradesh which, in turn, set off the chain of events that resulted in her life being saved.
In the ten-minute long video, the teenager was seen standing with a bottle of pesticide saying that she was going to commit suicide. When the alert was received, DGP Prashant Kumar immediately got in touch with the local police, who managed to find the girl in her home just half an hour later. Contrary to the terrible implications of her video, police found her in completely normal health.
While interrogated, the girl revealed that she has taken such a radical step because her posts had been getting a very low rate of likes. The bottle she showed in the video was filled with only water and she did not poison herself; she stated that it was just a wrong way of getting attention on social media.
Following the incident, the police had a counseling session with the girl who confessed her mistake and assured that she would not repeat such acts in the future. The police were thanked by the girl’s parents for their fast response and kindness during the difficult situation, who also criticized their daughter for her behaviors.
This incident has in fact provided a good understanding of the concerning trend; UP police records show that over 605 people have uploaded similar scary videos on different social media platforms from January 2023 to November 2024. However, many of them were caught before they could commit any irreversible actions.
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