Google Pay ‘Executive’ Dupes Man Of Rs 96,000

A 31-year-old man in Mumbai was recently duped of Rs 96,000 after paying his electricity bill through the payments app Google Pay.

The man had encountered an error while trying to pay his bill using Google Pay on August 21. He then searched for the customer care number online and found one. Unknown to him, the number was posted a fraudster on an unofficial site as Google Pay’s customer care number.

The fraudster assured the complainant that it was a common issue faced by other users and he would resolve it. He then sent a link and asked the unsuspecting complainant to click on it. On clicking the link, Rs 96,000 was transferred from his account. The fraudster had sent a collect request link.

Andheri police have registered a case and tracked the number to Rajasthan.

How To Protect Yourself From Such A Scam?

  • Google Pay has an option where you can ask someone to send you a specified amount. Money is transferred only after you approve it. Read such requests carefully before clicking on a link.
  • Do not call numbers given on unofficial sites. Look for the company’s website or app for help.

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