Fighting COVID-19: Fashion Designers Pitch In By Making Masks

New Delhi: With the Spring/Summer fashion season not relevant anymore due to coronavirus, fashion designers are directing their  energy towards a greater and nobler cause.

Veteran Ritu Kumar and Pallavi Mohan are getting masks stitched in their respective factories after all the due permissions, said a Times Of India (TOI) report.

Ritu Kumar has started the production of around 50,000 masks. The first lot of over 1,500 masks was delivered to NGOs on Saturday last week. “We first committed to making 20,000 masks. But after delivering the first lot, we are now targeting 50,000 masks,” the designer told TOI. 

The work is being done by just 10-12 workers and “they are seated far apart and we make sure that everything is sanitised. Since we have more space available, we are going to request authorities to allow us to engage more tailors, so that we can speed up the process. We are hoping that others too will be granted permission and we all can contribute in this fight against coronavirus.”  She is aiming to meet her target by the end of this month, she told TOI.

Pallavi Mohan’s team of 30 workers is making 350 masks daily from printed cotton fabric available in her factory. “We are making three-layered cotton masks with fabric, which was already with us. I am keeping stock ready to meet increased demand in the future,” Pallavi told TOI. She was earlier making masks with filters as well.

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