Bhopal: The Sohagi police station area in Rewa, Madhya Pradesh, has exposed a startling rape case. A tantrik exploited an unwell young woman to perform a ceremonial spiritual healing. Declaring he was extracting a “spirit” from her body, the tantrik misled her family by asking them to sit inside a chalked circle while he led the victim to another room. He then gang-raped her. After committing the crime, the accused escaped the scene, but the police caught him and brought him before court, remanding him to jail.
The victim, twenty years old, had been sick for some time; the family considered seeing a tantrik called Samar, sometimes known as Samrendra. The tantrik came to carry out the ceremony at their house. He drew a large chalk circle on arrival and invited every family member to sit inside it. He warned them that the bad spirit would attack them and advised them to stay inside the circle until he arrived to pick them up. The family stayed inside the circle according to his advice.
Later, the tantrik took the young woman to another room and declared he would expel the soul from her body out. Actually, he abused the chance and sexually assaulted her. Having completed the offence, Tantric left the site. The victim told her relatives about the occurrence, and they drove her to the police station. The cops filed the case and started looking for the accused. Though he could first escape, the cops finally caught up with him. They hauled him before courts and imprisoned him.
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