Ex-NSE Chief Chitra Ramkrishna Shared Info With An Unknown Person; Who Is He?

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Mumbai: Former chief of the National Stock Exchange(NSE), Chitra Ramkrishna used to communicate confidential information about the stock exchange with an ‘unknown person’, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) alleged.

Among the information she shared was NSE’s five-year financial projections, dividend payout ratio, the exchange’s business plans and agenda of NSE’s board meeting, Economic Times reported.

In her submission before Sebi, Ramkrishna said the person was a ‘Siddha Purusha’ or a ‘Yogi’ who is a ‘Paramahansa’, largely dwelling in the Himalayas, according to the regulator’s 190-page order released late on Friday.

Sebi penalised NSE, Ramkrishna, former CEO Ravi Narain, and two others for allegedly violating securities contract rules related to the appointment of Anand Subramanian as group operating officer and adviser to the managing director.

She told Sebi that he is a spiritual force who has been guiding her for the past 20 years.

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