Elimination Of Coronavirus ‘Unlikely’, Says WHO

In a regular World Health Organization (WHO) briefing, Dr Mike Ryan said on Friday that it is unlikely that COVID-19 will be completely eliminated if the current conditions persisted.

He said, “In the current situation, it is unlikely we can eradicate the virus.” He further added that the world could “potentially avoid the worst of having second peaks and having to move backwards in terms of a lockdown if surges in infections could be extinguished.”

However, WHO chief Tedros Adhanom commended India for Controlling the spread of virus in Asia’s largest slum, Dharavi. Praising Dharavi in Mumbai, Tedros sounded positive about containing the virus that is taking over the world very fast.

The global confirmed cases of COVID-19 has reached 12.4 million. Days before, WHO also revised the disease to be an air borne.

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