Durand Dispute Deepens: Deadly Firefight Divides Afghanistan and Pakistan

Islamabad: Tensions along the Afghanistan-Pakistan border flared up last night, leading to a prolonged exchange of heavy gunfire between the two neighbouring countries. The fighting reportedly began around 7 pm on Wednesday and continued late into the night, with both sides using heavy weapons in the Zaji Maidan district of Khost province, Afghanistan. According to Afghanistan’s Khaama Press, the skirmish was triggered when Afghan forces started constructing new military posts near the contentious Durand Line.

This long-standing border dispute between Afghanistan and Pakistan has seen frequent clashes over the years. The Durand Line, which Pakistan considers the official border, is not recognised by any Afghan government, including the Taliban. The latest incident marks a continuation of hostilities between the two nations over the demarcation of the boundary.

Local sources report that Afghan troops have been setting up security checkpoints along the border for the past three days. Pakistan reportedly responded with heavy firing, leading to fears that several casualties have occurred on both sides. However, the exact number of fatalities or injuries remains unclear.

According to Mahaz News, the exchange of fire eventually ceased late at night, though tensions remain high in the region. Residents living near the border expressed concerns about the rising violence, as clashes between Afghan and Pakistani forces have become a common occurrence since the Taliban’s return to power in 2021.

Following the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan, Pakistan had initially hoped that the border dispute would be resolved. Instead, Taliban forces have reinforced their claim over border areas, which includes resisting Pakistan’s efforts to erect fences along the Durand Line. The recent construction of Afghan posts along the border appears to be part of the Taliban’s strategy to assert control over these contested areas.

As both sides brace for potential future confrontations, the situation along the Durand Line remains volatile, with no clear resolution in sight. The border skirmish is just the latest reminder of the complex geopolitical tensions that continue to plague Afghanistan and Pakistan.

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