Dramatic Footage: Ferocious Storm Sends Airplane Spinning on Buenos Aires Runway

New Delhi: A catastrophic storm has unleashed its fury across Argentina, leaving a trail of destruction and claiming the lives of at least 16 people. The tempestuous winds tore through the capital, Buenos Aires, causing widespread damage and uprooting trees and lampposts.

The storm’s unrelenting force was captured in a viral video, showcasing a parked airplane at the Buenos Aires Jorge Newbery International Airport. The aircraft, battered by the ferocious winds, rotated up to 90 degrees on the runway, colliding with the stairs in a harrowing incident.


The impact of the storm extended far beyond the airport, with the neighbouring country of Uruguay also falling victim to its wrath. In Uruguay, the storm’s destructive power resulted in the tragic deaths of two individuals, adding to the grim toll of lives lost to this meteorological catastrophe.

Argentine President Javier Millais, deeply concerned by the devastation, conducted a visit to the heavily affected Bahia Blanca region on Sunday, December 17th, accompanied by several ministers. Their presence demonstrated the government’s commitment to addressing the urgent needs of the affected communities.

In a gripping account, Clory Yeomans, a 25-year-old traveller from the United Kingdom, recounts her chilling experience amidst the storm’s fury. Awake at around 3 a.m., she was startled by the sound of car alarms and the ominous roar of an accident outside her apartment in central Buenos Aires. The building seemed to tremble under the storm’s relentless assault, prompting her to seek refuge in her bathroom, fearing that a tree might crash onto her balcony.

The storm’s relentless fury disrupted power supplies in Argentina’s capital, leaving residents grappling with the loss of essential services. Meanwhile, in the town of Moreno, located approximately 40 kilometers from Buenos Aires, tragedy struck when a tree branch, felled by the storm’s gale-force winds, claimed the life of a woman.

As rescue and recovery efforts intensify, the full extent of the storm’s devastation is gradually emerging. The Argentine authorities remain steadfast in their commitment to supporting the affected regions and providing necessary assistance to those in need.

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