Weather Forecast Will Now Include Impact On Life & Property: Mohapatra

New Delhi: The new Director General of Meteorology, Mrutyunjay Mohapatra has said the next target for Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) is to provide an impact-based weather information system to people to minimise loss to life and property in case of cyclones and other disasters.

In other words, the Met Department will provide the forecast along with the likely impact on the lives and pointed information about the potential loss to a particular area and properties there.

Talking to Live Mint shortly after taking over as the chief of IMD, Mohapatra said information on upcoming weather developments will be provided on digital platforms along with geographical coordinates of residential areas, schools and hospitals.

“For example, if I just say, that there will be heavy rainfall in Shimla, it is not sufficient for disaster management. But If I say there will be heavy rainfall in Shimla leading to submergence of the national highway at this point or potential collapse of houses in a particular area, then this can minimise the loss of life”, he explained.

He said IMD will work with the state departments, disaster management authorities and  the national space agency to collate geographical information system, geospatial information and socio-economic data including population and distribution of houses.

“The main challenge now is not only to forecast the weather but what the weather would do,” he said, adding, micro-forecast will also be disseminated covering the block level in the districts as well.

Mohapatra, who has tracked over 50 cyclones both in the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea in his long stint in the weather department, said tracking cyclone Fani was the most challenging job for his department as the cyclone developed near the equator, changed direction but maintained its intensity.

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