Digital Dependency: How Early Phone Use Disrupts Your Day

NewDelhi: It will be preposterous, to say the least, to brainstorm over what life would be like without this tiny yet incredibly important tool we all carry in our pockets today: smartphones. Similar to food, shelter and clothes people have learned to look at mobile phones as necessities in their everyday lives. And without them – life appears to freeze over.

However, with every development there must be disadvantage and smartphones are no exception in that aspect. Individuals have continued to get so connected to their phones that they are slowly trending towards certain death. The first activity most people undertake immediately they wake up is checking their phone with notifications, social media, and news. This phenomenon is called NoMoPhobia which means No Mobile Phobia, meaning that at some point, the idea of being out of reach of a mobile device is terrifying.

Many recent investigations have demonstrated that having a mobile phone close to your after waking up is detrimental to brain and body. Reading messages, scrolling through social networks and reading the news has become a daily practice, but this has a number of unpleasant effects. Check out the effects on your health that you may experience if start using your smartphone first thing in the morning.

Sleep Disruption
This can make you think about how you lay on your phone in the morning influences your slumber. The white, or blue light that is emitted by the screen is bad for your eyes and causes fatigue during the day. In the long-run it will also affect your ability to sleep during the night, therefore is associated with insomnia or poor quality sleep.

Increased Stress and Anxiety
Are you aware that if you get out of bed and grab your phone, you’re setting yourself up for stress? Your brain in the morning is calm and such messages or notifications can instantly increase stress thresholds and thus affects the rest of the day mood. This early-morning stress some of the time results to some physical manifestations such as a faster heart beat.

Ways it Effects Work and Productivity
Evening phone use also tends to disturb positive behaviours such as walking, meditation, having a healthy breakfast. This in turn would prove detrimental to personal and professional life since such routines help to enhance productivity during the day.

Skipping a healthy morning habits
A good morning is productive and healthy, but the focus on your phone disrupts most healthy habits. This practice may be replaced by other unfavorable practices meaning, stretching for example, or indeed any other normal morning routine may be dropped hence resulting in eventual mental or physical tiredness.

Negative Impact on Children
Actually parents needs to be very much careful regarding the use of phone when children are around them. Young children copy what other people do, so if parents grab their phone as soon as they wake up, children will follow that example. It can also affect their mental and physical health since they will sever any chance of doing outdoors physical activities that are essential for their development and will likely become prone to common sicknesses.

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