COVID Surge: IMA Suggests Remdesivir For Home-Isolated Patients

Pune: Anti-viral drug Remdesivir, which was thus far being prescribed only to hospitalized coronavirus patients if they developed breathing problems, may be considered to treat COVID-positive patients who are in home isolation.

This was suggested by members of Indian Medical Association (IMA) at a meeting in Pune where COVID task force and municipal corporation (PMC) officers were present, keeping in mind the steep rise in infections in several states and districts, especially Maharashtra.

The second wave of the deadly virus has seen over 60,000 people in Pune opting for home isolation. Patients whose oxygen level is dropping are being admitted to hospitals and treated with Remdesivir.

“Giving Remdesivir on an OPD basis is medically termed as ambulatory day-care administration. This is quite prevalent in western countries. If allowed, this will cut down hospitalization and reduce the burden on hospitals,” Times of India quoted Sanjay Patil, chairman of IMA’s Hospital Board of India (HBI), as saying.

“The suggestion is under consideration,” said Pune’s nodal officer for COVID-19 Sanjeev Wavare. He, however, advised caution.

“If given in haste, without the following protocol, the drug may cause complications. Remdesivir needs to be given under strict supervision and requires monitoring of patient’s blood pressure, heart rate and oxygen saturation in the blood,” Wavare said.

Also Read: More Researchers Advocate Remdesivir For Treatment Of COVID-19 Patients

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