Mumbai: Bollywood’s A-list couple, Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone, have become parents and welcomed their daughter, Dua, just a few months ago. Since the day the little lady came into the world, fans have been looking for a sneak peek of the new Singh-Padukone family member; however, the pair has kept their daughter’s face hidden until now.
In a good surprise, the couple threw a media get-together at their house, and they let photographers and journalists meet Dua for the first time. Pictures from the memorable gathering have since spread virally across social media platforms, breaking into the hearts of fans all over the nation.
In the afternoon warmth, Ranveer and Deepika thanked the paparazzi and expressed their appreciation of the public’s love and support. Photographers were not only given the privilege of being the first to see little Dua but also had a chance to witness the couple’s aura of love as they posed together for the pictures.
On this occasion, Ranveer wore an all-white outfit while Deepika appeared in a gorgeous peach-colored long dress, which further confirmed their status as one of the most fashionable couples in Bollywood. Their chemistry was evident as they playfully interacted in front of the cameras, enchanting their fans with their charming, dramatic play.
Ranveer and Deepika, who got married in a stunning wedding in Italy in 2018, couldn’t have been happier in their new parent roles. With 2024 marking their transformation into a family of three, fans are now equally eager to see more of Dua, many of whom are patiently waiting for extra peeks into the couple’s cherished family life.
As the parents move forward in their journey of having a child, the anticipation surrounding their family increases, and their loyal fans continue to hope for more posts from the beloved stars.
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