CBSE Guidelines For Class X & XII Practical Exams: Marks To Be Uploaded On Day Of Assessment

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New Delhi: Practical exams for class X and XII for the session 2023-24 will be conducted by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) from the first week of January 2024.

On Saturday, CBSE released a set of guidelines for stakeholders and directed school principals and teachers to adhere to these.

As per the guidelines, marks of all practical exams/projects/internal assessments will have to be uploaded every day, that is, on the date of assessment.

Here are some key guidelines:

* Ensure sufficient number of practical answer books have been received in the school before the scheduled date of practical examination.

* Schools should inform parent and students regarding the schedule, format, and any specific requirements for the practical examinations.

* Ensure necessary arrangements like infrastructure, equipment, and materials are available in the laboratories for conducting practical exams. Reaffirm that the laboratories or facilities are adequately set up for students to perform their experiments.

* Contact the examiners well in time for smooth and timely conduct of examination process on the scheduled date and time.

* Identify students with special needs or disabilities and make arrangements of necessary accommodations to ensure they can participate in the practical exams comfortably.

* The marks in respect of all Practical Examinations/Project/Internal Assessments shall be uploaded every day i.e on the date of assessment.

* For class XII, the schools are not authorised to make alternate arrangement of external examiner for conduct of practical examination/project assessment at local level. Practical examination can only be conducted by an external examiner appointed by the Board.

* No change in marks is allowed after finalisation and completion of process, so proper attention of both the examiners is required to ensure correctness of uploaded marks.

* In case it is observed that directions of the Board have not been complied with by schools, the Board reserves its right to cancel the Practical examination.

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