CBSE Class X & XII Result Declaration Could ‘Take a Month’, UGC Asks Colleges To Adjust Admission Schedules Accordingly

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New Delhi: The CBSE class X and XII results could take about a month’s time. “The performance of term-l has already been communicated to the schools. The evaluation of term-ll is going on and the process of result preparation will start. The final result will be declared by combining the weightage based on the performance of both the terms. The entire process will take about a month period for the declaration of the result,” said the University GRants Commission (UGC) in its latest notice.

Earlier, the results were expected by July end. Now, students can expect Class 12 results by July end and Class 10 by August first week. In 2020 the result was announced on July 30 and in 2021 it was declared in July end for Class XII and Class 10 in August. This year too, a similar timeline can be expected. The delay is being caused because there are two-term exams held this year and the formula to calculate the final result has not been decided. The formula will consist of term 1, and term 2 results, as well as the internal assessment, however, the exact weightage is not announced yet.

CBSE has also announced that it will be declaring results even for those students who missed one of the two terms because of a valid reason.

On the other hand, many colleges including the prestigious Mumbai University have already started their admission processes. The MU has in fact released two merit lists. This means, that by the time the CBSE results are out, students will find it hard to get admissions. CBSE had asked UGC to intervene. Responding to CBSE’s request, now UGC said, “It has come to the notice that some universities have started registration in undergraduate courses for the session (2022-2023) ln this scenario, the students from CBSE will be deprived of admission in the undergraduate courses if the last date is fixed by the universities prior to CBSE result declaration.”

“It is, therefore, requested that all the higher educational institutions may fix the last date of their undergraduate admission process after declaration of result of class Xll by CBSE so as to provide sufficient time to such students for admission in undergraduate courses,” the UGC added.

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