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Govardhan Parikrama: For The Love Of Krishna

Braj Bhumi is the land of Krishna. Every physical feature of this land, be it the rocks, ponds, forests, dust and the villages, resonates with his touch, his fragrance, his presence and his leela. Krishna is omnipresent. That is the reason…

Hello! Can You Hear Me?

Hearing problem is perhaps one of the first signs of advancing age. From the time your children start giving you an exasperated look at your constant “What?” it should dawn on you that you are in all likelihood becoming hard of hearing. Yet…

Bust That Pot Belly!

Men with a big belly is not an unusual sight in our country. You have the pot-bellied shopkeeper, the paanwala, the nextdoor uncle and why, even your dad tauji or chacha and mama. We have all grown up seeing the ubiquitous lecherous cop…

Madhya Pradesh Vs Rajasthan As Travel Destination

Following my years of travel in India I have reached the following conclusion. When it comes to tourism, western Indian state of Rajasthan is over rated, and central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh is underrated. What I have found is that…

How To Fold Carry Bags And Store Them Easily

Carry bags, plastic or woven are a threat to the environment. Nonetheless, we end up having loads of them at home. Maybe you’ve stopped taking any new plastic bags from the stores but what about the old ones that you have? Being clumsy to…