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Akshaya Mohanty – The Cult

A dramatic story teller without frills, only Akshaya Mohanty, the maverick can open his story with these lines, “ଯିଏ ଭୁଲିଯାଏ ସେ ସେମିକା, ଯିଏ ଭୁସଲନା ସେ ସେମିକାର ୋନ ଭଉଣୀ”. His openness excited conservative Odia society since the 60’s. He…

Young Odisha Can Realise Trillion Dollar Dream

Mahatama Gandhi’s idea of ‘Nai Taleem’ is perhaps his best gift to the world. ‘Nai Taleem’ was conceived as new education idea, in which practical skills serve as the centre and foundation of an individual - spiritual, cultural and social…

Time For A Fashion Diet Plan

We have heard the word 'sustainable fashion' way too much recently and still I feel it’s not spoken about enough, hence I m forever looking for opportunities to squeeze it in, in most of my conversations. Sustainable living is key for any…

Budget 2019-20 And Thereafter

The annual financial statement, popularity known as Budget for the year 2019-20 seems to have lost its constitutional authority and financial sanctity with historical interventions and frequent changes in the post- budget months. The Budget…

Indian Economy In A State Of Economic Paralysis

The economic terms ‘slow moving’, 'slow down' or 'economic' depression, for defining the present economic condition of India are inappropriate and inadequate. Perhaps ‘economic paralysis’ would be a more appropriate description. The…

Long Way To Go For A National Language

A country with a single Constitution, a single flag and a single language definitely gives the impression of strength and unity. Look at these countries and the language a majority of its people speak – Danish in Denmark, Dutch in Belgium,…

Remembering Rumi At Konark

The other day I was at Konark and I did both, moon bathing and sun bathing. Moon bathing under the clear blue sky, next to Konark, the epitome of tantra. I realised I am a nothing. Not a thing at all. I keep changing all the time and this…