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XAT 2020 Schedule Announced; Get Details Here

The Xavier Aptitude Test (XAT) 2020 for admission to XLRI Jamshedpur and 150 other management institutes in the country will be held on January 5. The registration process for appearing in XAT had begun and the last date for the candidates…

CAT 2019 Correction Window Activated

IIM Kozhikode, which will conduct Common Admission Test (CAT) 2019 for admission to MBA programmes, has opened online correction window for candidates. The window will remain open till 5 PM on September 30. During this period, candidates…

FCI To Recruit 330 Managers; Get Details Here

The Food Corporation of India has issued a recruitment notification for 330 managerial posts in various zones. The recruitment will be for the posts of manager (general, depot, movement, accounts, technical, civil engineering and…