An Alien Invasion! Know What Scared People In A Town In UP

New Delhi: Man’s imagination knows no bounds.

On spotting a balloon in the shape of fictional superhero Iron Man, people in Dankaur town of Uttar Pradesh thought they faced an alien invasion!

After scaring the residents, the balloon landed in a canal near the Bhatta Parsaul village, PTI reported.

Police officials said a crowd gathered to see the balloon and mistook it for an ‘alien’.

“It was a balloon filled with air that had gone up in the sky and later came down and got stuck in the bushes along the canal. A part of the balloon was touching the water in the canal which resulted in the balloon shaking a little. This made the people anxious,” Dankaur police official Anil Kumar Pandey said.

The shape of the balloon was also a cause of concern for the onlookers. “It was shaped like the Iron Man (fictional superhero character) given its colour and design. This was an unusual sight, so some people thought it was an alien, or something like that, and were apprehensive,” he added.

The officials suspected the balloon must have run out of gas, and that there was nothing ‘harmful’ in it. It is yet to be ascertained who let it loose it in the air.

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