NewDelhi: Union Home Minister Amit Shah launched the ‘Bharatpol’ portal on Tuesday, ushering in a new dimension in India’s approach to international criminal investigations. The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has developed the portal, which is supposed to function like an Interpol, for which it has developed the portal.
At the launch, Shah called ‘Bharatpol’ transformative: “We are gathered here today to inaugurate ‘Bharatpol.’. ” This is a fresh start for the international investigations of our country.”
The aim of the Bharatpol portal is to simplify Interpol and Indian law enforcement agencies communication. This will allow state police forces and other agencies to directly link with Interpol, speeding up processes for investigation. Shah explained that this system would help find international criminals within India and make cross-border investigations easier.
“Too often, criminals have been operating from foreign soil where they are out of our reach with our law.” Shah declared that it’s time to bring them within its ambit. Bharatpol, he said, would also be useful to check drugs and drug trafficking, smuggling, and human trafficking.
The portal comprises five key modules: Resources, Broadcast, Notice, Reference, and Connect. It will integrate all of India’s law enforcement agencies on a single platform to facilitate coordination and reduce redundancy in the work that they have to do.
Shah spoke of the global threat of terrorism and the fact that the money to fuel terrorism is a bigger danger as it saps the world economy. Terrorism, said he, was ‘the greatest canker to democracy, human rights, economic progress, and world peace.’
Bharatpol’s launch is a huge step towards modernising how India is tackling international crime, even revolutionising the country’s law enforcement potential on an international scale.
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