Lucknow: The government of Uttar Pradesh has designated the ex-IPS officer Dr. S.N. Sabat as the chairman of the Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Commission (UPSSSC). His recruitment was announced the day after retiring from his term as Director General of Police (DGP) on 31st December 2024.Dr. Sabat, a 1990 IPS officer, had a huge career in security services.
Her notable appointments are Inspector General (IG) in Lucknow and Superintendent of Police (SP) in the districts of Ayodhya, Varanasi, Agra, Japan, Mirzapur, and Father. During his time in office, he was at the front in law and order and was praised for finding a record in the Lucknow Zone that the Prime Minister commended. Dr. Sabat, known for his immediate responses to issues, was not the type of person to allow files or complaints to be without a solution. When it was necessary, he solved the problems by phone. Recently, his hard work was appreciated by the Governor of Uttar Pradesh, Amandine Patel.
This position of UPS SSC chairman has been empty since the retirement of the former IAS officer, Praveen Kumar. There were always discussions about who might occupy this important position, particularly as many recruitment processes were either failed or pending in the court, causing the opposition to criticize. Being the chairman of UPS SSC is very important because it is in charge of recruitment for Group B and Group D positions in the state.
Key tasks that Dr. Sabah will have will be to make sure the recruitment process is done on time and that the selection process is transparent. The UPS SSC organization looks after examinations for the government jobs in Uttar Pradesh and the selection process.
The commission, which was founded in November 1988 and became active in 2014, is in charge of running preliminary and main exams for Group C and Group D positions. Lately, the commission has been under scrutiny concerning the examinations for which it faced irregularities, making Dr. Sabat’s engagement very critical.
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