Saudi Arabia Finally Allows Foreign Men & Women To Stay Together In Hotels

One of the most conservative Muslim nations, Saudi Arabia is on a path of modernisation. First, they allowed women to drive last year. Now, the Kingdom will allow foreign men and women to rent hotel rooms together without proving they are related.

The new social and economic reforms are being attributed to Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

The oil-rich nation launched a new tourist visa scheme to attract holidaymakers. Women, too, are now allowed to rent hotel rooms by themselves.

This move will help unaccompanied women, both Saudis and foreigners, travel more easily in the country. Sex outside marriage is illegal, however.

“All Saudi nationals are asked to show family ID or proof of relationship on checking into hotels. This is not required for foreign tourists. All women, including Saudis, can book and stay in hotels alone, providing ID on check-in,” the Saudi Commission for Tourism and National Heritage said to Reuters.

The Gulf nation is in the midst of diversifying its economy from oil. Recently, they opened its doors to foreign tourists from 49 countries. Women visitors are no longer required to dress in all black robes, but should dress modestly. Alcohol is still banned.

Until now, tourism was restricted to relatives, and Muslims traveling to Mecca and Medina.

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