Ladakh To Be India’s First Buddhist Majority ‘State’: Sri Lanka PM

In a goof-up, Sri Lankan Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe referred to Ladakh as a “state”. Twitterati immediately pounced upon him schooling him about the new Union Territory status.

The PM was, however, right in pointing out that it will be the first Indian territory with a Buddhist majority. He said Ladakh’s population has 70 per cent Buddhists.

After the purging of Article 370, Home Minister Amit Shah revealed that the state would be divided into two union territories – one being Jammu & Kashmir, the other being Ladakh. Interestingly, the latter will not have a Legislative Assembly and will be governed by the Centre.

The Sri Lankan PM also opined that the restructuring is India’s internal matter and described Ladakh as “a beautiful region well worth a visit”.

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