Tensions Rise: China Critiques US Influence In QUAD Grouping

Beijing: In the wake of the recent QUAD summit held in Delaware, China has expressed strong discontent towards the United States, accusing it of leveraging the QUAD nations as a tool for geopolitical dominance. During a media briefing, Foreign Ministry spokesman Lin Jian made serious allegations against the US, asserting that it is using the QUAD to maintain its supremacy and contain China.

According to Chinese officials, this coalition of India, the US, Japan, and Australia is detrimental to peace, development, and cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region. The summit raised concerns regarding the tensions in the East and South China Seas, culminating in a joint statement that, while not naming China directly, advocated for the peaceful resolution of maritime disputes in accordance with international law. The QUAD countries also condemned the use of military vessels in these disputes and reaffirmed their commitment to a free and open Indo-Pacific region.

China’s grievances extend to the inclusion of India and Japan in the QUAD, as it has ongoing territorial disputes with both countries. Beijing has accused the US of engaging in an expansionist policy aimed at encircling India, thereby increasing its interference in countries neighboring India. This perceived encirclement has heightened tensions, particularly as Prime Minister Narendra Modi received significant praise during the summit, which has reportedly left China feeling unsettled.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry stated, “The QUAD is a weapon that the US uses to contain China and maintain its hegemony. Such a special grouping is against the trend of peace, development, cooperation, and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific.” The spokesperson called for an end to the US’s obsession with domination and urged the nation to refrain from exploiting regional countries at the expense of their security and well-being.

These statements underscore China’s alarm at the growing cooperation among the QUAD nations and India’s increasing influence within the group. Earlier, Chinese state media claimed that the QUAD summit aims to control China, further intensifying the rhetoric surrounding this strategic coalition. As tensions mount, the international community watches closely how these dynamics will unfold in the Asia-Pacific region.

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