Lord Jagannath’s Blessing? Trump Escapes Assassination Attempt on Rath Yatra Day

Washington: In a dramatic turn of events, former President Donald Trump narrowly escaped death when a bullet aimed at his head only pierced his ear and passed through. This miraculous survival is being attributed to divine intervention, with many suggesting the grace of Lord Jagannath as the saving force.

Matt Wallace, an American social media influencer, took to ‘X’ (formerly Twitter) to share his belief that Trump’s survival was due to “divine power.” This sentiment quickly gained traction, with many on social media discussing the possible role of Lord Jagannath’s grace in the incident.

Radharaman Das, vice-president and spokesperson of ISKCON Kolkata, commented on Wallace’s tweet, reinforcing the idea of divine intervention. “It is definitely an interference of divine power,” he stated. Das recalled a significant event from 48 years ago when Trump had supported the Rath Yatra festival of Lord Jagannath in New York City, suggesting that this past favour was being repaid.

In July 1976, ISKCON devotees faced challenges in organising the first Rath Yatra festival in New York City. They needed a large space to construct a wooden chariot for Lord Jagannath, but landowners refused to provide space. Disheartened, the devotees approached Trump, who was purchasing properties in the Pennsylvania railway yard. Initially, they were told Trump would likely refuse their request. However, after receiving the devotees’ presentation and prasad (offering), Trump surprisingly agreed to provide the space free of charge, allowing the festival to proceed.

Radharaman Das highlighted this connection, noting that on the day of Trump’s attack, the world was celebrating the nine-day Jagannath Rath Yatra festival. He implied that Lord Jagannath’s grace had intervened to save Trump, as a gesture of divine gratitude for his support decades ago.

Das also recounted the challenges faced during the festival preparations, including initial police refusal to permit the procession on 5th Avenue. However, the police chief inexplicably signed the permit, further suggesting divine intervention.

The story of Trump’s narrow escape and the historical Rath Yatra connection quickly went viral. Many social media users, both in India and abroad, praised Lord Jagannath’s grace, writing “Jai Jagannath.” Some also credited Jesus Christ’s blessing for Trump’s survival.

This incident has sparked a renewed interest in the Rath Yatra festival and the story of divine intervention, with many reflecting on the mysterious ways in which faith and fate intersect.

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