Deepfake Videos Target Celebrities: Priyanka Chopra Latest Victim

NewDelhi: The growing prevalence of deepfake technology has raised concerns over its potential for misuse, particularly in the realm of celebrity endorsements. In a recent instance, Priyanka Chopra, a renowned Indian actress with a global fan base, has fallen victim to a deepfake video that exploits her voice to promote a fake brand.

The viral video features Priyanka’s voice seamlessly integrated into a fabricated advertisement, showcasing the actress endorsing a particular brand. The deepfake technology employed in the video renders the endorsement highly convincing, potentially misleading viewers into believing its authenticity.

Alarmingly, the video also includes a fabricated statement from Priyanka claiming an annual income of Rs 1000 lakh, further adding to the deceptive nature of the video. The actress’s name and reputation are being exploited for personal gain, potentially causing harm to her image and credibility.

This incident highlights the escalating threat of deepfake technology, particularly in the context of celebrity endorsements. As deepfake technology continues to evolve, it is crucial to remain vigilant and develop effective countermeasures to safeguard the integrity of public figures and prevent the spread of misinformation.

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