Omicron 3 Times More Transmissible Than Delta: Activate War Rooms & Be Proactive, Centre Tells States

New Delhi: The Centre on Tuesday stated that the new COVID-19 variant is three times more transmissible than the highly infectious Delta variant and alerted states and UTs on Omicron.

In a letter to the states/UTs, Union Health Secretary Rajesh Bhushan advised the states to activate war rooms, keep analysing all trends and surges, no matter how small and keep taking proactive action at the district or local levels.

“Based on current scientific evidence, the VoC (Variant of Concern) Omicron is at least 3 times more transmissible than the Delta VOC. Besides, the Delta VOC is still present in different parts of the country. Hence, even greater foresight, data analysis, dynamic decision making and strict & prompt containment action is required at the local and district level. The decision making at the State/UT and district level must be very prompt and focused,” the letter stated.

The Centre asked the states to focus on the “strategic areas of intervention”, including containment, testing, tracking, surveillance, clinical management, vaccination and following Covid-appropriate norms.

The Centre has asked the state to…

  • Impose night curfew, regulate large public gatherings, marriages and funerals, besides limiting the number of people going to offices or availing public transport.
  • In case of all new clusters of Covid-positive cases, prompt notification of ‘Containment Zones’, ‘Buffer Zones’ should be done, strict perimeter control of Containment Zone as per extant guidelines must be ensured. All cluster samples must be sent to INSACOG Labs for Genome Sequencing without delay.
  • Strengthen health infrastructure in case of a sudden surge of infections and stressed increasing bed capacity, ambulances, mechanism for seamless shifting of patients, availability and operational readiness of oxygen equipment, a buffer stock of drugs.
  • 100% vaccination coverage across states, with a special focus on districts where the first and second dose coverage is less than the national average.
  • Strengthen door-to-door vaccine coverage.

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