COVID Crisis: Govt Orders States To Ensure Unrestricted Movement Of Oxygen Tankers

New Delhi: The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) on Thursday passed an order to ensure uninterrupted supply of medical oxygen across the country for treatment of COVID-19 patients.

As the daily caseload of coronavirus-positive patients crossed 3 lakh for the first time in India, the healthcare infrastructure has been overburdened, leading to shortage of oxygen supply, hospital beds and important drugs like Remdesivir.

To address the grave crisis, the MHA issued a two-page order signed by Union Home Secretary. One of the primary points it stressed on was that transportation of oxygen tankers must remain unhindered.

“No restriction shall be imposed on the movement of medical oxygen between the state and transport authorities shall be instructed to accordingly allow free inter-state movement of oxygen-carrying vehicles,” it said.

The government also underlined that no one can limit the supply of oxygen to one particular state.

There can be no curbs limiting oxygen supply to hospitals of the state/UT in which they are located.

“There shall be free movement of oxygen-carrying vehicles into the cities, without any restriction of timings, while also enabling inter-city supply without restriction,” the order stated.

Supply of oxygen for industrial purposes, except those exempted by the government, has been stopped.

Senior officials of the administration, like DMs, DCPs, and SPs will be responsible for implementing the order.

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