Vitamins, Minerals Can Build Immunity To Fight Against COVID-19, Say Experts

New Delhi: Health experts stressed on the need to include vitamins and minerals in the daily diet for building immunity to fight against COVID-19. This was said during a session at the Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (ASSOCHAM).

The experts said that natural herbs and traditional Indian foods have the potentials to keep the deadly virus away.

“There are several foods which are rich in natural minerals and nutrients, but we destroy their nutritional value in the course of our cooking and consumption practices. Wheat, which in its original form is Dalia, it has important minerals like phosphorus. Still, in our strange wisdom we powder it into a refined maida which is nothing but starch and increases weight and risk of diabetes,” Dr Shikha Sharma, the founder and managing director of Dr Shikha’s NutriHealth, said during the session.

Dr Sharma also named some traditional food along with Ayurvedic herbs that can help build immunity.

“Barley, Channa, Sattu, seeds – pumpkin, sunflower, chia and flax among others that can be included in diets for a nutrition boost across all age groups. Ashwagandha and Giloy are potent herbs that can be given to both seniors and children. They purify the blood, build the body’s immunity, reduce stress and keep intact, healthy pH level in the body,” Dr Sharma added.

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