Huge Blow To Indian IT Professional As Trump Bans H-1B Visas For 2020

Washington DC: US President Donald Trump on Monday announced an extension on the ban on green cards and temporary work visas, including H-1B, till the end of 2020.

The H-1B visas are most popular among Indian IT professionals, seeking job opportunities in the US.

The administration has also limited entry into the US through H-1B, H-2B and L visas and that of the dependents till December 31, 2020.

Certain categories of J visas like an intern, trainee, teacher, camp counsellor, or summer work travel programme are also included.

Trump reasoned the suspension with job losses in America, citing unemployment numbers which crossed 17 million between February and April 2020.

The new rules will come into effect on June 24. It will also affect many Indian IT professionals who are seeking renewal of their H-1B visas.

“In the administration of our Nation’s immigration system, we must remain mindful of the impact of foreign workers on the United States labour market, particularly in the current extraordinary environment of high domestic unemployment and depressed demand for labour,” said the proclamation issued by Trump.

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