Another Gas Leak, Now In Chhattisgarh: 7 Hospitalized, 3 In Critical Condition

Raipur: Close on the heels of the Visakhapatnam gas leak tragedy comes the news of another gas leak, this one from the Raigadh district of Chhattisgarh.

Seven workers, who were cleaning a paper mill in Raigadh, had to be hospitalised after they were exposed to poisonous gas. Three of them were reported to be in critical condition and were shifted Raipur, the capital city.

“We were not directly informed about the incident. We got to know about it from the hospital,” Superintendent of Police (Raigadh) Santosh Singh was quoted as saying.

The leak started on Wednesday night as workers were engaged in cleaning the mill which had been closed due to the nationwide lockdown. Chhattisgarh, like many other states, are gearing up to open up industrial activities in a phased manner post Lockdown 3.0.

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